Monday, February 9, 2015


Early morning thoughts with my new good friend A. Vivaldi:

You know, when the United States Supreme Court eviscerates the Affordable Health Care Act, it won’t affect me or my family. I say “when,” not “if” for they would seem to have the votes. Four justices hate President of the United States Barack Obama so viciously that they would vote to depose him and replace him with Charles Manson if they had the chance. A fifth hates government itself badly enough to join in the disgrace.

No, it won’t affect me our mine.

It will affect the person I know who is alive today because the AHCA allowed a life-saving medical treatment that had previously been denied for lack of money, that person who forwarded a shameful cartoon not long ago comparing President of the United States Barack Obama to a gorilla.

It will affect the person I know who is healthy enough to work but instead exists totally on disability payments and medical care provided by us, the taxpayers, and who rarely completes a sentence without including a reference to “that n****r president.”

It will affect those who, physicians report, are receiving health care in record numbers for the first time in decades because of the AHCA, but who recently traded six years of shame for six seconds, at the voting booth, of revenge against the country for electing a person of color as President of the United States.
So all we can do is wait and hope for a "Beckett Moment" when justices may, in a flash, realize there is a higher mandate than a political directive. If it doesn't happen, we'll just watch the poor die and remember, like "Camelot," that there was once this brief shining moment in America.

Oh, and it won’t affect the health care of the Supreme Court justices or the members of congress who are egging them on. They have, and will continue to have, excellent care provided by us, the taxpayers.

So why, the followers of Ayn Rand would say, should they care since it won’t affect them and why should you since it won’t affect you?
I guess it is because I have a heart and because I agree with St. Luke.

St. Luke - I think he quoted a man
who said something about the
poor being blessed. Oh well, it's
an outdated concept.

See also

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