Friday, July 1, 2022


Why I fear they will get away with it. If we follow the Woodward and Bernstein theme from the 1970s, what will get mendacious politicians in the long run is the cover-up or attempt thereof. It is, as Ernest Hemingway said, “pretty to think so.” With this bunch, however, there is no attempt at a cover-up, no attempt at all.

If anything, they are proud to have what they did reported.

They know that their base will stick no matter what and that enough centrists will fly to any shining lie or misrepresentation they posit.

Cover-ups are for sissies.

If they released the Unabomber from prison, Donald Trump could put him on the ticket as his vice-presidential candidate and carry my home state by 60%.

Cover-ups are a waste of time and resources.

This bunch follows the advice of Lennie Bruce, the comedian who said to men caught cheating on their wives, “Lie, lie even if they have you on film.”

Cover-ups fail.

Lies win.

Besides, they can just have SCOTUS rule that a lie is the truth.

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