Monday, August 12, 2024



A popular sci-fi series in America included, in its introduction, “…to boldly go where no one has gone before.” That serves us well, we think, as a guiding principle.

Sometimes it doesn’t work out so well.

Two United States generals during the Battle of Gettysburg, Sickles and Barlow, didn’t like where their units were deployed so they moved boldly into new positions they liked better.

Both created havoc that decimated their commands and almost cost the Union the battle.

One of Ernest Hemingway’s most popular novels, “The Old Man and the Sea,” features a man who ventured too far out to overcome disappointment.

The magnificent edifice of Mount Everest is littered with the frozen bodies of those who wanted to boldly go where few had gone before.

Custer certainly learned a lesson.

And then there was the time America told France, “Don’t worry, step aside and we’ll settle these pesky Vietnamese down in a few months.”

On the other hand, we could list countless examples where boldness carried the day, the spirits of those still haunting the beaches of Normandy would demand it of us as would those who stormed Missionary Ridge under the leadership of the man who boldly led America into passage of the Emancipation Proclamation. But his life ended at the hands of one who no doubt saw himself as the boldest person who ever lived.

Where does boldness end and idiocy begin?

We must decide, each for ourselves. In the meantime, does compromise work?

It gave us Medicare.

It saved our economy several times over the last few administrations.

It gave us the United States Constitution. Yes, a flawed document, but one that has gained strength over the years, and is held in awe throughout the world.

Public administration examples suggest that too much boldness can result in bankruptcy. To little boldness can result in a rusted polis.

Things seem to work best with healthy doses of each.

Just some thoughts.

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