Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Mid-week Grumbling

No, I didn’t watch the so-called debates. Those things make me nervous. I sort of place them in the same category as watching an automobile race. The main objective of the crowd is to hope that someone in the group destroys herself or himself. Petty, inconsequential things rule. One word. One poorly shaven or perspiring face. One second of consideration of a trick question similar to, “Do you still beat your wife?” or “Do you think that, as human being placed on Earth in horrible, debased, cruel, and vicious circumstances, and fleeing to a safe haven to save your family from a lingering and tortuous death … you should receive comfort and basic health care from the richest country on the planet, while thoughtful, reasonable people contemplate your fate?”

Oh, that wasn’t the way the question was asked, now was it? What if the question ended with, “If you think the Galilean would have you say 'yes,' raise your hand?”

It seems we have conditioned too many Americans to say, “No, my Jesus would tell them to go back to where they came from.” They don't follow "the pale Galilean," but the orange evangelist and his crew of merry-makers.

That’s why I don’t watch the debates. I do try, though, to watch what’s happening to us, and it ain’t a pretty sight these days.

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