Friday, January 31, 2020


Today I shall concentrate on considering the views of people with whom I may disagree on some major matters. I promise, at least, to regard, and think through their views, although I shan't go anywhere near as far as even considering, for a millisecond or less, that Donald Trump is a follower of the Galilean. That's off the board.

That said, let's consider the conservative view that we have created an over-regulated America. I don't agree fully. I stood on a balcony in Los Angeles in 1967 and my eyes stung and watered from the air pollution. I remember wondering what it might be doing to my lungs. I didn't worry too much for I was headed into harm's way and figured that would take care of things. Now, though, I do worry a bit about the not-so nascent ravages of Agent Orange. I think pollution ranks as a proper danger for regulation.

Also, I might be convinced about jail-time for anyone tossing soiled baby diapers onto a shopping center parking lot.

But, I do think we go overboard when we fine companies for not having warnings printed on the top of stepladders prohibiting the user from standing on the damned thing while working.

That's not protecting the health, safety, welfare, and morals of the community. No. That, in effect, is contributing to the pollution and weakening of the homo sapien gene pool.

Here is my take, for what it's worth:

If your job is to solve problems or carry out sound policy, it is fine to write regulations.

If your job is simply to write regulations, you will write regulations and some of them will make life unnecessarily more complicated and frustrating for the average person, with no discernible benefit to humanity. Hence, the requirement that the State of Arkansas create legal protection for a species of fish that cannot exist anywhere in the state's temperate zone. At least not yet.

I won't get into zoning regulations, a topic for which I have been deemed an expert in both state and federal courts. I run the risk of offending, and losing the work I do as a hobby in my semi-retirement. (Keeps me off tractors and from behind garden hoes).

So there, my conservative friends. I think we could sit down, with reason guiding us, and discuss this topic without once using the "F" word, as long as we avoided discussing the person who gleefully talks about grabbing things he shouldn't.

Next, the controversial topic of a society that forbids the concept of redemption. You called your sister a dirty name when you were eight-years old? Don't plan on running for office as a progressive.

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