Sunday, September 1, 2024



Maybe it is because I am a veteran of a foreign war that several people have asked for my impressions of The Great Arlington Campaign Photo Op. My thought? Thank goodness for the United States Navy wherein I learned language appropriate to the task, language that I shall try to avoid.

The white tombstones called to mind a story I heard once. An older veteran of World War Two told it to me. He was a former member of United States Naval Construction Battalions, better known as the Navy Seabees. That organization accepted older enlistees, and given his age, it was his only chance to serve. And serve he did, for almost four years in the South Pacific. Never sell "elderly" men short.

He told me of coming home on a troop ship. As it sailed through the Golden Gate, people on the Marin County side had painted huge white boulders and placed them on the hillside. They spelled out, "Welcome Home Boys."

That always touched me. It still does when I think of the fact that no such welcome sign greeted our plane when it landed in California. A much different welcome awaited us.

So what do I think of a draft-dodger desecrating a sacred place like Arlington Cemetery? I think Donald J. Trump and his followers are living ancestor of the sons of bitches that yelled "Baby Killers" at us on our arrival home.

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