Friday, September 13, 2024



Yesterday Donald J. Trump, on video, desecrated the flag of the United States of America. He took a large pen and appeared to have signed his name to our flag.

According to section 8 of the U.S Flag Code, "The flag should never have placed upon it, nor on any part of it, nor attached to it any mark, insignia, letter, word, figure, design, picture, or drawing of any nature." While there are no penalties or violations for breaking the U.S. Flag Code, its terms detail that "it is important to respect the guidelines as a sign of patriotism and respect for the country."

His act bothers me, especially in light of the fact that a professional athlete’s career perished in flames when he knelt while someone was singing “The Star-Spangled Banner,” an act presumably protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.

This is the latest in a long series of acts dishonoring our country and its vets performed by Donald J. Trump. The intent seems to be simply proving that he can do it and maintain the support of his base.

Which brings me to the question of his base and its composition. This base of supporters goes far beyond the normal image one has of rednecks in pickups whose only dream is to own a 50-Caliber machine gun for “deer hunting.” The base goes far beyond people who disapprove of abortions but don’t accept the fact that sex education, freedom from poverty, male responsibility, and contraception might be more humane and effective methodologies than imposing the death penalty on women and physicians who seek legitimate treatment for a woman’s health.

No, a heartbreaking fact is that his supporters include many people whom I once considered friends, some close, some very close. These are friends with whom I shared dreams, discussed the greatness and challenges of America, and whom I would have trusted with my most cherished possessions.

These are people who taught our children. People who cared for our infirm. People who provided succor for the “least of those among us.” One even preached, from a pulpit, the gospel of Jesus of Nazareth.

Now they proudly claim they will vote for a man who publicly ridiculed the disabled among us.

Now they proudly claim they will vote for a man who dishonored John McCain, who spent six years in a tortuous prisoner of war camp for our country.

Now they proudly claim they will vote for a man who teaches them to despise veterans who have served our country, calling those who died doing so, “losers and suckers.”

Now they proudly claim they will vote for a man who incited a rabid crowd to attack our nation’s Capitol wherein they harmed police officers and defecated on the hallowed floors and walls of our country's most cherished building.

In short, they proudly claim they will vote for him no matter what.

Where I come from, they call that, “Selling your soul to the Devil.”

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