Friday, September 6, 2024



The naval Battle of Somar was a defining event of the overall Battle of Leyte Gulf. The fleet supporting the liberation of the Philippines became unguarded save for some light aircraft carriers and a squad of destroyer and destroyer escorts. The American fleet supposedly guarding the north disappeared when American Admiral “Bull” Halsey fell for a ruse and departed the scene, chasing a decoy fleet. Another Japanese fleet of battleships, heavy cruisers, destroyers had only to break through weak resistance in order to perhaps destroy the invasion and the American will to continue the war in such a faraway place.

Obviously, the destroyers and destroyer escorts chose to “didi mau” and fight another day?


They charged the Japanese.

Perhaps the most famous quote emerging from this battle (save the infamous “Where is Halsey? The world wonders.”) was given by the Captain of the U.S.S. Samuel B. Roberts, Commander Robert W. Copeland, to his crew:

“This will be a fight against overwhelming odds from which survival cannot be expected. We will do what damage we can.”

The first ship to charge was the U.S.S. Johnston captained by Commander Ernest E. Evans. This undoubtedly motivated the others.

Captain Evans (commanders of Navy ships are always "captains") received the Congressional Medal of Honor, posthumously. Survivors saw him last steering his battered ship with his remaining hand. Still charging, he waved.

The “gnats against elephants" charge initiated enough confusion and damage to save the day for America and the Philippines.

The U.S.S. Samuel B. Roberts and the U.S.S. Johnston now lie some 20,000 feet below the surface of the Pacific Ocean. The heroics of their crews fly high above us with their heavenly battle flags.

Incidentally, Vice Admiral John S. McCain commanded one of the carrier groups involved in the battle. He was the father of the John McCain who flew planes from a carrier and was shot down over Hanoi and spent six years in the notorious “Hanoi Hilton” prisoner of war facility. Yes, that is the John McCain who was offered early release because he was an admiral’s son but refused unless all his fellow prisoners were released as well. Yes, that is the John McCain whom Donald J. Trump dishonored because, "He was captured."

Lest us think about such Americans when those among us disparage veterans and the awards the receive for their bravery, not to mention the places where their dead are buried.

The U.S.S. Johnston

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