Saturday, February 8, 2020

Primal Fear

Anyone who has read history, it seems to me, must tremble at the state of America on February 8, 2020. I explain the cause of my fear in the following. It represents my opinion only. In the words of the famous writer Lewis Mumford, “I would die happy if I knew that on my tombstone could be written these words, "This man was an absolute fool. None of the disastrous things that he reluctantly predicted ever came to pass!"

That is the difference between many of my old and dear friends and me. Facts and truth may change my opinion. But I weep when I read or hear things from them—leaders, preachers, leaders, parents, workers—that point to the inescapable and immovable conclusion that they share a primal happiness about the current state of America. They laud a country increasingly ruled by a cult-like political party that is effecting the following:

– A hatred and distrust of the news media, a body forming one of the foundation blocks of the Constitution of the United States,

– A United States Senate that has abandoned the rule of law, decency, decorum, and tradition,

– A United States Supreme Court majority that is totally subservient to one political party,

– The abandonment of science as a positive force in the protection of our health, safety, and welfare, as well as that of the planet,

– The public denigration and disrespect of past and present honorable veterans of the United States armed forces,

– A total disregard for fiscal responsibility at the national level,

– A dreadful curtain of neglect covering what the Galilean called “The least of those among us,”

– The abandonment of public education as a structural good for our country,

– A level of the use of lies and deceit to curry favor and deceive the populace unseen since the death of Joseph Goebbels,

– A growing national cancer caused by indifference, greed, and bigotry, and

– So forth.

I won’t compare the current administration to Nazi Germany, or to Pol Pot’s Cambodian Reign of Terror. I will say that the indifference of seemingly decent people aided the development of such tragedies, that along with unchecked power.

So, if anyone else on the planet, and there may not be one, wonders how I reached such conclusions, don’t necessarily study Germany. May I suggest Rome, instead. Here’s a good starting place.

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