Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Sailing To Oblivium: July 5, 2017

 To say the weather we’re having is weird is a bit of an understatement, like saying that the Internet is controlling a large segment of our life.

Had anyone told me 20 years ago that, here in the Arkansas Delta, on the fifth of July, we would be hoping for a few days of dry weather, I would have called them crazy.

I think it was a mere three years ago when it didn’t rain all summer. The old folks, in their predictable colorful language, said, “It’s as dry as a popcorn fart.” Now they say, "It's so wet I just saw some bullfrogs building an ark."

The odd thing is that this is the third wet year in a row. This, though, is the wettest. It will soon be the middle of July and folks will not have had to water their vegetable gardens. Some farmers seem to have given up on getting any crops planted atoll.

I see a rain forest in our future, if we have a future. There are those who believe, based on data collection, scientific analysis, and computerized statistical indicators, that we are at the beginning of a massive change in weather patterns that will result in much of the development on the East coast of America, as well as most of Florida, being underwater. That doesn’t bode well for a lot of people.

Of course, there are some conservative legislators who doubt this on the basis of … well they just doubt it, that’s all. They’ve even made it illegal in North Carolina, to make plans to accommodate such change. They’ve enlisted the help of some religious fanatics to assure us it will not happen unless their particular god deems it expedient for some reason or other. They say it would be sacrilegious for us to even worry about climate change.

Meanwhile, our military is spending millions in preparation for the changes.

It is a simple fact that most of us don’t like change. That is to say that we don’t like change unless it may benefit us. Heck, it’s beginning to look as if some of us would tear the whole structure of America down if we saw some personal benefit, or affirmation of internal beliefs, in it. Where you stand on such matters depends on where you sit, as I’ve said before.

It the matter of change, some of my friends like it and some of my friends don’t. And some people are in a position from where they can prevent us from doing anything about it anyway. We’ll just have to live as long as we can with whatever happens.

I just hope that the rain forest doesn’t attract alligators, pythons, or more mosquitoes.

Personally, I don’t think we’re going to have to worry about it much longer. In the great cosmic scheme of things, change doesn’t really care what we think about it.

Just Thinking …

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