Monday, August 28, 2017

Saiing To Oblivium: August 28, 2017

It almost seems unfeeling to be planning a normal day when our brothers and sisters in Texas are experiencing such horror. But, we beat on, as F. Scott said, “boats against the current.”

What we might learn from these dreadful days is that Nature plays a catastrophic game when she chooses, and we are powerless.

A bully can’t shake his hand in her face and stop the gales.

A billionaire can’t show her his bank statement and escaper her wrath.

A general can’t order his battalions to counterattack and send her fleeing in fear.

A politician can’t “whip” his party into formation and outvote her intentions.

A person blessed with uncommon beauty can’t charm Nature out of destruction.

A thief can't steal her power.

No, at the moment Nature unleashes her fury, we all equal, one of the few moments during which that is true.

What can we do? Perhaps catastrophes such as this will help convince us that neither ignoring nor challenging Nature is the answer. Perhaps the answer lies in a new reverence and a more accommodating posture. Perhaps it is time to let wisdom, education, and decency lead us away from defiance and toward harmony. Perhaps it is time to spend more of our resources working with Nature and less warring with one another. Perhaps it is time to sweep the halls of government clean of climate-change deniers, greed-mongers, and divisive charlatans. We can replace them with women of thought and prudence. (I leave men out of the equation as we’ve had our chance and it’s gone with the wind).

Heck, we might even start electing leaders on the basis of thought and hope instead of fear and hatred.

After all, the only real thing we can do it the face of a furious and unforgiving Nature is to dream of better days and better ways.

Just thinking …

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