Friday, August 11, 2017

Sailing To Oblivium: August 11, 2017

I'm thinking of the Doomsday Clock. I think it was set to two and a half minutes until Midnight at the beginning of 2017. It is set once a year. It would certainly be moved closer to Doomsday should it be reset now.

Things aren't looking too good. What may or may not have been a cause for unreasonable alarm has been elevated to that status by a man who never should have been elected president, probably never wanted to be elected president, and who apparently doesn't care that he was elected president.

Thinking people whose minds haven't been polluted by Fox "news" and hate radio/TV care, though. As we stand on the precipice of annihilation, we should all care. We are sailing to Oblivium and, short of a miracle, we may all arrive shortly.

I've had an interesting and good life. Some regrets. Much gratitude. I feel mostly for my friends with children and grandchildren. I even feel for those who fell prey to the vicious hate generated upon the current president's opponent. We have all learned the lesson of despising someone so much we would hurt our country and its people. None of us should be surprised at the outcome.

Who knows what to think? I just know someone said make a daily journal of your reaction to this administration. I'll keep trying until the bombs start going off. Then, I'll eat pizza and cheesecake until the cloud reaches here.

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