Sunday, August 13, 2017

Sailing To Oblivium: August 13, 2017

In the summer I was 19, I worked as lifeguard and had days off. I spent them reading The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by William L. Shirer. The entire book made an impression. What I remember in particular, though is Shirer’s account of Kristallnacht and his constant interspersion of how ordinary Germans would simply go on about their lives as usual as the Brown Shirts became increasingly emboldened. After all, it was just Jews they beat up, and if you weren't one, life was good. The world was drenched in blood before decent people woke up.

In my youthful naivete, I remember thinking how lucky we were in America that things like Nazism could never.

Can you imagine my despondency when I saw Americans with swastikas marching in the street of one of our cities? Can you imagine my disgust as the president of our country appeared to equate the motivations of the Nazis, white supremacists,  and Neo-confederates with those of other Americans who came to protest the actions and appearance of the hatemongers?

Can you imagine the heartbreak I felt in thinking of people whom I once respected now siding with people sporting a KKK sign, waving a flag that endorsed slavery, and wearing a Nazi armband?

I don’t even have the energy left to question why. But I can recommend action. Contribute now to the Southern Poverty Law Center. This glorious organization fights hate groups and hits them where it hurts, in their pocketbooks. They have bankrupted a number KKK groups and maintain a close watch on domestic terrorists on our behalf.

A hundred dollars to them will do far more good than prayers or angry FB postings. Act now. America must not become like 1938 Germany.

Old and worn
but still relevant.
Read it. There's time

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