Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Out earning today. Here's a couple of thoughts, though.

I know there are those who are horribly stressed and debilitated by having to live around others whose specific religious beliefs are not exactly the same as theirs, around people whose skin is a different color, or people to whom the vagaries of nature assigned a different sexual proclivity. I know each day is a trial of tormented anguish. But it’s nothing compare to me the day that they grabbed my ass, cut my hair off, and sent me to Vietnam. So suck it up, Buttercup, like the Senator says.

You'll get a chance, maybe soon, to feel the burn. Either directly or for your kids. They say John Bolton is getting ready to lead us into a ground war with Iran. Well, not lead us, no, send us, you know, the regular way. Not me. I'm too old and I know the way to Canada. Your kids better be picking out a branch soon. Knowledgeable people tell me that we've scraped the bottom of the barrel with our "volunteer" Wehrmacht. Here's my take on the branches.

I'm partial to the Navy, but I think they are a little more tight-assed than when I was in. And they were tres tight-assed when I was in.

I've great respect for the Marines, but hell, just jump in front of a semi-tractor rig It would be a lot faster.

The Army? It has some of the best leaders in the world and some of the worst. You have to ask yourself, "Do I feel lucky?"

Air Force. Uh, we're actually talking about joining the military, here. Just kidding. Just kidding. I kid the fly-boys.

Coast Guard. Great and brave folks, but I'd tire quickly of risking my life for rich daredevils who've gotten themselves in trouble.

Best choice? Hell, after all these years, it's still Canada.

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