Saturday, July 27, 2024



Many years after my service in the military, I was working for a national company and enjoyed one of the best health insurance programs in the nation, a grand employee benefit. I travelled a lot back in those days when auto manufacturers didn’t provide much back support in vehicle seats.

So I developed some nagging back problems. They progressed to the point that I felt I needed medical attention.

“No problem,” colleagues said. “You have good insurance. Go to the doc and charge it to your insurance.”

But wait.

This was back in the day. Back in the day, we are told, the return to which would make America great again.

Just wait a moment.

There was this idea that health insurance companies relied upon called, “pre-existing conditions.” Simply put, if you were ever diagnosed with a malady, it freed all future insurance companies from paying for treatment on that malady.

If I saw a physician claiming back problems, that insurance would pay, but any future insurance providers could refuse any coverage related to the back. Treatment of a minor muscle problem could free future insurance companies from treating a deteriorated spine. Insurance companies had access to a huge database that recorded such things.

So what did I do? I called a GP popular with runners and denied having insurance, assuring the office I had the ability to pay cash for an office call.

I did. The doc, known for his concentration on cure and not compensation, told me to put a cardboard support behind me in my vehicle and do sit ups. Cost me $45.00. Probably more than $130 today.

I did. It solved the problem. The company health plan provider never had a clue. My spine was safe.

Think the Cult is cute? Welcome back to the good old days.

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