Monday, July 8, 2024



Given the daily news, that so many Americans condone behavior most similar to that prevalent in 1930s Germany, we must wonder. Has something happened to America? It would appear so as a superstar of mendacious conduct controls a cult comprising a terrifying percentage of our people. Many of those had behaved, in all outward aspects, within normal boundaries until recently.

We now seem to have normalized bad behavior. It generates seductive news reporting and thus receives more than its reasonable share. We can’t seem to escape wallowing in its repulsive filth. Some examples:

-          Insurrectionists are heroes.

-          Facts are tools of the Dark One.

--       America needs a government operating on evangelical Christianity.

-          The Sermon on the Mount is banned from pulpits.

All at a time when America is outpacing the rest of the world in most standards of living.

Did something happen that threw us from an orbit of cognitive thought and rational behavior?

Or, some might say, have there always been flaws within our system? Did the election of Barack Obama as President of the United States of America open fissures that allowed the demons to escape?

We hope not.

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