Sunday, July 28, 2024



When I started my professional career, I had the opportunity to work for many of the cities in our state. Without fail, the leaders of those cities, not necessarily the elected ones but those holding power, looked like I do today.

Old fat white men.

Yep. And as time passed, I heard a consistent message from younger potential leaders. “Those old men won’t step aside and let us assume leadership positions.” Of course, women and minorities weren’t even part of the conversation. But that’s how the baby boomers felt.

Now the baby boomers are in charge, today even joined by selected females and people of color. Guess what the young folks are saying?

Yep. As a friend pointed out during a lunch yesterday, it’s probably true with each generation.

“They just won’t get out of the way and let us in to lead.”

That’s one—just one—of the magnificent aspects of President Joe Biden’s speech this week. The most powerful man in the world, not the leader of some mid-sized town in Arkansas but the most powerful man in the world, is “getting out of the way.”

One immediately hears the opening of the fourth movement ofBeethoven’s Fifth symphony erupt.

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