Saturday, April 13, 2019

Dialogue ....

 Checked on Facebook today. Too much hate. So, I’ve been listening to it rain and thinking about how so many phrases there are that so many people wouldn’t understand these days. Maybe if we softened our dialogue, it might calm our whole country a bit. How many still understand the following?

“Don’t stand there with that ice-box door open.”

“I’m gonna cut me switch.”

“It’s about time we gave you another permanent.”

“It runs like a sanger sewing machine.”

“They just drove by and was sackin’ air.”

“This place is in bad need of some hooverin.’

“That man is puredee mean.”

“He wouldn’t pay a nickel to see a piss-ant eat a bale of hay.”

“It’s so cold it’ll cut your water off.”

“Rich as five feet up a bull’s [hind end].”

“… like a jackass eatin’ briars.”

“Just a hop, skip, and a jump … .”

“Fit to be tied.”

“Your face is gonna freeze like that.”

“Were you raised in a barn?’

And that’s how the hog ate the cabbage.

The Russians love this.

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