Sunday, June 9, 2024

A New Epiphany


Yesterday’s Epiphany: It can’t be the economy. Most folks are doing well enough, and many are doing quite well. The job I first went to work for earning $400 per month now starts at around $65,000 per year. No, I just think there’s an uneasy feeling pervading America, a sense that something is wrong, and disaster is imminent.

As the Nazis rose to power, there had been major hard times in Germany: inflation, stagnation, poverty, and even starvation. They felt Hitler had led, and would continue to lead, the country out of the mess.

In America today, they don’t have a past crisis to build upon. But wait, what if they could convince people that there are, indeed, hard times upon us and worse times to come? Then they could march out a charlatan who only had to babble about blaming others and making things better. A mindset built on lies is as firm as one built on truth. People are malleable.

Take the Baby Boomers for example. (I’m not technically one. I was a “don’t draft me” baby but the BBs accept me.) Now what upsets me and my cohort?


Yes, passwords. I’m suffering a primal despair over them. I’ve suffered from demands for them for years and I’m even running out of ideas. I must even furnish one to pay a bill when I would rejoice at the thought of a hacker paying it for me.

So, I hate passwords and suffer a love-hate relationship with modern technology.

Passwords. Damn them.

I don’t, though, blame Joe Biden for them.

But wait.

Say I watched Fox “news” for seven or eight hours per day. And what if that deplorable institution used the time to pound it into me that Joe Biden invented and promotes, even mandates, passwords.

Soon, I’d be speaking neo-German with the rest of The Cult.

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