Monday, June 10, 2024



It’s difficult to choose one side unconditionally these days. I’ve always leaned left, but don’t always subscribe to the silliness. Yes, no offense, but there are some silly things going on ‘die äußerste Linke,” way over yonder. This “pronoun crap” in my opinion, is silly. This “I don’t feel safe hearing an opinion I disagree with” is silly. This stopping traffic while innocent people are trying to get to work, to the hospital, or home to their children is beyond silly.

Every sports coach knows that one never makes a statement that the opposing coach will tack to the locker room walls to motivate players. Think how many votes Donald Trump received just from “defund the police.”

But, to allegorize something Sigmund Freud probably never said but got stuck with, “Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.”

Silliness is just silliness. Unproductive actions are just unproductive actions. Extreme “wokeism” is just extreme wokeism. People don't normally die from them.

Making a 12-year-old girl give birth to a rapist’s sperm residue is more than silliness.

Attacking the police guarding the United State Capitol is more than just silliness.

Defunding programs that feed the poor is more than just silliness.

Persecuting someone because of their genetic wiring for sex is more than just silliness.

Decisions stem from points along a spectrum of reality. At one end are rainbow flags. At the other are crematorium ovens.

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