Monday, June 24, 2024



Interesting evening. While waiting for some soup to cook I flicked on the TV at random and was too lazy to change channels.

Well let me tell you.

It was a documentary featuring grown men, some with PhDs behind their names claiming that the Jewish book of Genisis actually spelled out dependable and reliable history. Yep. The universe is not billions of years old (Old Age Paradigm “OAP”) but thousands of years old (Young Age Paradigm “YAP.)

The reason, they claim, that we base scientific claims on the OAP is that scientists are too “invested” in it to admit they are wrong. So, facts must be tortured to comply with it.

The documentary aimed solely at torturing facts to comply with the YAP.

Time about is fair play, I suppose.

Of course, there are troubling issues like the dating of rocks based on radioactive decay.

No problem, the YAP scholars say. The Creator simply altered the time frames for radioactive decay from initial to present. A million years in in the early stages of a rock was only a second or two, depending on how busy the Creator was creating the 350,000 species or so of beetles, (Order Coleotera).

That, of course, reminds one of when British evolutionary biologist and geneticist J.B.S. Haldane quipped that if a god or divine being had created all living organisms on Earth, then that creator must have an “inordinate fondness for beetles.”

Seems the dinosaurs were around until the flood, that wondrous event that created the Grand Canyon in a few months, not the ridiculously long time espoused by mainstream science (MS). The canyon and other majestic features are just remnants of the flood’s subsiding, according to their better science (BS).

I went to sleep thinking about the fact that, in my state of Arkansas, tax dollars that I have worked hard for are going to private schools that teach BS.

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