Wednesday, June 19, 2024



Although the claims abound, I’m not sure that it is the economy, specifically inflation, that has America teetering on the edge of anarchy. A simple anecdotal observation is that, on my trips to our local Walmart, the baskets I see driven by folks with MAGA hats or Confederate flag decals are filled with Mountain Dews, bottled water, and snacks.

Seems that there is something else troubling us. It may be that technology is outpacing our evolutionary adeptness. As a “near” Baby Boomer, I am distressed with passwords. The demand for them has become so ubiquitous and complex that I sometimes verge on the edge of despair. The ultimate, and sometimes most circuitous demands are those required to pay a bill online.

I can’t help but feel that if a someone wishes to hack into my account and pay my bill, what the hell?

So passwords exasperate me. But I don’t blame Joe Biden for them.

But wait. Suppose, just suppose, that I suffered a fall and woke with a penchant for watching Fox “news” ten hours a day on the television.

And suppose that for a majority of those ten hours, the pundits thereon preached an incessant stream of claims that Joe Biden was, in fact, the inventor and dictator of passwords.

Day after day the message lands. Joe Biden equals passwords. The word "password" sends me into an apoplectic frenzy like the character in the old "Niagra Falls" routine.

Would I then join The Cult?

Jeez, I hope not but the jury might offer a different opinion.

Oh, wait, can’t mention the word “jury.” That’s a current obsession on Fox.

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