Friday, June 21, 2024



When I was a teenager, someone told me that if you did anything portraying the United States flag upside down it was an act of treason, the FBI would come after you, and you would be sent to prison. I believed it to the point of once trying to steam off a stamp that had a picture of the flag on it that I had mistakenly pasted the wrong way. Didn’t work, and that was when the cost of a stamp was important to me.

Now I know it’s okay. A Justice of the United State Supreme Court has indicated so. I still don’t do it though. It’s that oath I took, and all.

Some are saying that justice should recuse himself from certain cases since he believes in displaying treasonous beliefs in public. He won’t. The Chief Justice, John Roberts won’t make him, saying, “The practice we have followed for 235 years [is that] individual justices decide recusal issues.” This “we’ve-always-done-it-that-way” seems more fitting for poor workmanship or an excuse justifying school segregation than behavior in the highest court in the country.

That’s the court, by the way, that didn’t buy said argument in the Brown v. Board of Education case in 1954.

Things change I suppose. Next time I accidently paste a stamp on upside down I won’t end up throwing the envelope away and I’ll thank Justice Samuel Alito for saving me 66 cents. Now I’ll run to the PO and buy some more stamps. I’ll ignore local laws and if a police officer stops me for speeding through the city streets my defense will be, “I’ve always done it that way.”

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