Tuesday, June 18, 2024



We wonder what is happening to America. Civility as we once knew it has not only disappeared in politics, but it is now considered a weakness.

If one accepts the idea currently circulated among scientists and academics that evolutionary psychology is the main determinant of our actions, (and I know what a hard intellectual pill this is to swallow) the answer becomes clearer.

Some postulate that what we call a movement toward morality is not a spiritual movement, but rather a long process of socio-economic tradeoffs.

  • We won’t raid your village if you don’t raid ours.
  • I won’t try to kill you if you won’t try to kill me.
  • We will trade goods with you for mutual gain.
  • We will agree to use artificial objects, i.e., money for exchange instead of direct and laborious bartering.
  • We will agree to live in peaceful harmony in cities to facilitate life’s needs and make life easier.
  • Etc.

Accepting that, what we now see is simply a reversion to a more primitive, tribal state of evolution, spurred by fake news outlets and social media.

  • Danger is everywhere.
  • We must band together as a tribe for survival.
  • The Tribe is the most sacred of all entities.
  • We must destroy all who threaten the tribe.
  • We must forget personal peace and pleasure to protect the tribe.
  • We will develop a spiritual belief system to control large populations withing the tribe.
  • Our leaders must offer strength, not goodness.

Kind of begins to make sense, doesn’t it?

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